Air cargo is any property carried or to be carried in an aircraft. Air cargo comprises air freight, air express and airmail.
- Organized, professional and conscientious
- Qualified moving experts to assist with smaller jobs
- Will come in and handle the entire packing process for you

Our team of experienced, trustworthy professional Lower Mainland movers and packers will come in and handle the entire packing process for you. What could take weeks for you to do on your own, our Vancouver moving crew can accomplish in a matter of just a few hours’ time. Our movers and packers will even bring our own supplies so you don’t have to worry about running all over town looking for the right size and amount of boxes. We’ve got you covered – from start to finish.

Whether it’s packing an entire home or office, handling a partial or smaller job, unpacking everything once it arrives or any other custom service you may need, our professional packing service in Vancouver is the ideal solution!

We also provide a loading and unloading service. Don’t need our full moving service? You’ve got your own rental truck or portable storage unit and all you require is professional help. We would be glad to help with the loading or unloading, and help assist you with assembly should you require any.

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    Multiple Trucks

    From the positioning of furniture to the use of moving supplies, we have multiple ways to maximize your storage space.

    Packing Supplies

    We offer a huge selection of packing supplies includng boxes, tape, tubes, mailers and cleaning services.

    Straightforward Pricing

    You won't be surprised by your moving bill. We conduct a pre-move review of your belongings and communicate all that needs to be done before the move.

    Adjustable Scheduling

    We can work around your schedule and store your belongings. We can even offer to hold on to your precious items overnight.

    About Us

    Accurate Moving Company is your number one choice to get your possessions from A to B! Based in the Lower Mainland, and equipped with all the necessary tools to provide exceptional service, we promise to not disappoint!
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